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Thursday - Do Life Big

Bible Studies


Based on song by the same name that was inspired by John 10:10.  It's about being joyful and happy despite a world around us that will try to steal our happiness; kill our joy; and destroy the abundant life God intends for us to live.  There is always more life and a better life as a follower of Christ.  Study His life and do life big as He did.  Live for a larger purpose than your own plans and for an even greater plan than this world can ever come up with.  


Below are two possible bible studies:

to get a deeper understanding of a life focused on this world only or a bigger life that includes God (See Perfect Life by Red below).


Check out (at the bottom of this web-page):  Good Time by Owl City for a better understanding of the Party lifestyle (temporary pleasures with unpleasurable consequences) vs. the joyful and fun life shared among Christian friends on a more permanent basis. 

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